MDM & GP Tips Blog

Dec 2008


Why isn't Group Policy Working on this client?
Did You Check the DNS Configuration of the Client?

One of the most frequently encountered problems with Windows 2000 and above is that things just 'stop working' when DNS gets out of whack. Specifically, if you're not seeing Group Policy apply to your client machines, make sure their DNS client is pointing to a Domain Controller or other authoritative source for the domain. If it's pointing to the wrong place or not pointing anywhere, Group Policy will simply not be downloaded.

As a colleague of mine likes to say, 'Healthy DNS equals a healthy Active Directory.'

Moreover, in the age of Windows 2003/2008 with its multiple forests with cross-forest trusts, Group Policy could be applying from just about anywhere and everywhere. It's more important than ever to verify that all DNS server pointers are designed properly and working as they should. For instance, if clients cannot access their 'home' Domain Controllers while leveraging a cross-forest trust, they won't get Group Policy.

Finally, to put a fine point on it, DNS leverages only the fully qualified name. It's not enough to verify that you can resolve a computer named xppro1 as opposed to The first is actually the NetBIOS name and not the fully qualified domain name. The second is the fully qualified domain name. If you find yourself in a DNS resolution situation where resolving the NetBIOS name will work, but the fully qualified name will not work, then you have a DNS problem that needs to be addressed.

Aug 2008

More freeness awesomeness -- WinInstall LE

Remember the good ol' days? When right on the Windows CD-ROM was a great little free MSI repackaging tool called WinInstall LE?

Well, then it just went away.

A lot happened since then. WinInstall broke free, and became their own company. Then they were bought out by Attachmate. Then finally sold to Scalable software.

And look what happened? It's free again! So, if you're looking for a great little MSI repackaging tool (totally free) check it out here.

Oh yeah, and they mention me in the press quote. Because, you know I like free stuff!

May 2008


  • Policy or Preference: Who wins the smackdown?
  • Announcing: Downloadable eChapters of Jeremy's two new upcoming books!
  • Kansas City Class: ON! Will you be there?

Welcome to Newsletter #28.

One of the questions I get all the time is: "Which one 'wins' if a Policy and a Preference overlap?"

Think you know the answer? I thought I did too; so let's see how that shakes out. Next,

I'm happy to announce my two new upcoming books on Group Policy.

  • Group Policy Fundamentals, Security, and Troubleshooting
  • Creating the Secure Managed Desktop: Group Policy, SoftGrid, and Microsoft Deployment and Management Tools

Right now, you can zip on over to and learn about them, or a little later in the newsletter I'll give you the full rundown of the two books, what's new, and tell you why I had to expand it into two books!

I'm also super excited to announce our new Partner/Affiliate. Sign up, and everyone you recommend for a training (or newsletter signup) means some extra dough in your pocket. More, later in the newsletter.

This Month's Newsletter Sponsored by: NetIQ

Are you stepping on other administrator's toes when managing Group Policy? It happens a lot, but there are some strategies to help you address that. In this new whitepaper, "Group Policy Management Challenges" authored by Group Policy guru Jeremy Moskowitz and NetIQ you'll learn some immediate techniques to get working better today.

Download it now

Getting Down to Business: Policy vs. Preferences

Microsoft has a Group Policy blog entry called "GP Policy vs. Preference vs. GP preferences" which you should all stop and read right now. Really. I'll wait. I know you'll come back, because there's a lot more to learn on this subject. Check it out here.

And while I really dug that blog entry, and it was really well written and smart, there are some other angles to that Policy vs. Preferences story. And that's what I want to cover here.

How, exactly does the Group Policy engine deal with overlaps between policies and preferences? Well, there’s the short answer, the middle-length answer, and the long answer. Let’s go over all of them. (We’re old friends now—you knew I would anyway, right?)

The Short Answer: Policy Wins over Preferences

The short answer is that if there’s a conflict between a policy setting and a preference setting, the policy setting will win. (So, for instance, items in Computer and User Configuration | Policies should always win over Computer or User Configuration | Preferences.)


Because only policies actually lock out the user interface of the application they manage (Explorer, Office 2003, etc.).

Preferences don't.

Remember, preferences are suggestions that you can give to the user’s application, but the user can usually just wipe them out if they want. (Although, GPPEs will re-apply again at policy refresh time by default.)

Here's a quick example to prove the point. In the example in Figure 1, I’m clicking Help to ensure that the Help menu is on the Start Menu for all Windows Vista machines using GPPEs. True, this is the default anyway, but by selecting it here, I’m laying down a preference that is always put on the machine.

Figure 1

However, if I use the policy setting User Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Start Menu and Taskbar | Remove Help menu from Start Menu, as seen in Figure 2, the Help option disappears in the Windows Vista Start Menu.

Figure 2

But the general case here is that policies always beat preferences. Rock always beats scissors. Or does it? Can the rock crumble when it’s hit by the scissors? Let’s continue onward to see at least one interesting case where it doesn’t work that way.

The Middle-Length Answer: Sometimes Preferences Win over Policy

You need to be careful to assume that policy always wins over preference. In fact, that’s not always true. Here’s an example we can use to prove it:

  1. Create a single GPO and link it to a Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 machine that uses the Internet Settings preference extension to set the Internet Explorer 7 proxy server to with port 8080. You can see a shot of this in

    Figure 3

  2. Then, use Group Policy’s Internet Explorer Maintenance to set the proxy to with a port of 8282. You can see a shot of this in

    Figure 4

    Click on image for larger view
  3. Then, refresh your client via GPupdate and fire up Internet Explorer 7.

Uh oh. This seems to break the laws of nature! How can preferences win over policy? Because Internet Explorer Maintenance policy isn’t really policy. Indeed, by setting the IE Home page using Internet Explorer Maintenance, the value goes to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings in a value called ProxyServer, as seen in Figure 5. And since this is not a place for a true policy, it must actually be a preference.

Figure 5

Click on image for larger view

Indeed, the value that’s being set is exactly the same for both the IE Group Policy Preference and Internet Explorer Maintenance.

Why does one win over the other? I’ll show you the nuances of why in the next section.

But for now, it turns out there is a clever way to attain our goal; which is to force an IE proxy server and lock it down so users cannot change it.

Check out an obscure Administrative Templates policy setting named Disable changing proxy settings (located in User Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Windows Components | Internet Explorer). A-ha! That’s true policy, so hopefully that will perform some kind of lockdown, as shown in Figure 6!

Figure 6

But why then does that Administrative Templates setting named Disable changing proxy server settings work in a way the other guys don’t? Because IE 7.0 (and 6.0 and 5.0) are all coded to look in the proper policies keys. And if there’s a value there that IE recognizes, then IE makes sure to honor that.

And it does.

The end result is that true policy wins. You can see this in Figure 7 where the proxy server entry’s values are taken from the preferences, but it’s locked down via the policy.

Figure 7

For most people, the medium-length answer will be good-enough. But you’re not most people. You’re looking for the most detailed knowledge you can get. So if you’re curious to know why the Internet Explorer GPPE won against the Internet Explorer Maintenance Group Policy settings, read on for The Longer Answer.

The Longer Answer: Understanding CSE Timing and Overlap

To get to the bottom of this mystery, we need to understand when Group Policy applies. Recall that the Group Policy system is a last-written-wins technology. So, if you have an overlap between, say, the domain level and the OU level, the default is that the OU level will win because it was written last.

But now things become markedly more confusing. Not only is there overlap between Active Directory levels (site, domain, OU) for some of the features above, there’s overlap at the feature level, where two or three CSEs compete to write their data last.


There is some order in this chaos. But to understand it you’ll need an intimate understanding of what happens when the CSEs process (in the foreground and in the background). In short, the CSEs process in the order seen in Figure 8. This is a script you can download from called FindGPOsByPolicyExtension.wsf.

This exposes the same information as if you went to the following Registry key on a machine with the GPPE extensions loaded: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\GPExtensions.

There, you’ll see the registrations for all CSEs. The GUID of each CSE dictates the order in which things will process. They’ll process alphabetically, by GUID. So, Wireless Group Policy fires off first (that’s a classic Group Policy setting), then Group Policy Environment (that’s a new GPPE CSE), then Group Policy Local Users and Groups (another new GPPE CSE), then Folder Redirection (a classic Group Policy CSE), and so on.

Figure 8

Click on image for larger view

So on the surface, it appears that if you had a conflict with both classic Group Policy settings and newer GPPE settings, you could just see which one ran last and bank on that setting always “winning.”

But that’s only true if the two CSEs end up writing to the exact same places. While this is precisely what we encountered with the Internet Proxy server setting, usually two technologies don’t write to exactly the same place. The tie will be broken when an application is coded to look in the proper policies keys. And, if there’s a policy setting in those keys, the target application will honor the policy, not the preference.

In our mystery, it’s now easy to understand why the Internet Explorer GPPEs (listed as Group Policy Internet Settings) in Figure 8 “won” over the IE Maintenance settings (listed as Internet Explorer Zonemapping and Internet Explorer Branding). The new Internet Explorer GPPE CSE (Group Policy Internet Settings) applies after the original Internet Explorer CSEs.

But in neither case are we actually applying policy. We’re really just applying preferences—using two different kinds of technology. We finally got it to work the way we wanted when a true policy was applied, and Internet Explorer saw the policy in the policies keys and acted accordingly.

Whew. All this stuff can give you a headache. This “who will win” stuff is really confusing, and I haven’t tested every case. Be sure to test all interactions in a test lab before you roll out settings into production.

Other Items That Can Affect Group Policy and GPPE Processing

If you download Chapter 4 of Book 1 , you will learn about various policy settings found at Computer Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | System | Group Policy that have the configuration option to “Process Even If the Group Policy Objects Have Not Changed.” (It's in the section called “Using Group Policy to Affect Group Policy.”)

If this option is turned on for a particular CSE, then that CSE will always try to rewrite its configuration data—upon every single refresh. Again, that’s not the default for classic Group Policy, but it is an option on a CSE-by-CSE basis.

However, this same “always try to rewrite configuration data” mantra is held by the GPPE CSEs by default, but it can also be set such that the data is laid down once and never rewritten.

So knowing this information, you might have to do a little mental math to figure out which one is going to win if you have conflicting policies plus the wildcard settings.

The Group Policy Results reports, which is discussed in Chapter 2 of Book 1, are going to be helpful in figuring out which settings ultimately applied, but they’re not going to be helpful in your understanding of why the setting ultimately applied.

Hopefully, this newsletter helps you out. This section is lightly lifted from Chapter 10 of Book 1 where I discuss this topic in even more depth.

If you want to conquer Group Policy Preference Extensions, consider taking my Group Policy 2.0 Training at

OMG: Now Jeremy has Two Books on Group Policy!

I've been in deep, deep quarantine the last 9 months or so. I spent three quarters of a year to get the most awesome tips, tricks, how-tos, and deep-dive information on Group Policy to you. And it took two books to do it. So, let me explain how the two books work.

The books are Companion Books to each other. Not exactly "Volume I/Volume II." But, they do go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Lucy and Desi. Group and Policy.

You get the idea.

Start out with Book 1, which is really called Group Policy Fundamentals, Security, and Troubleshooting. You already know this book, but it’s been rev’d for 2008 with the following new superpowers:

  • How to create a modern management station with RSAT and the GPMC 2.0
  • GPMC 2.0 Features: Filters, Comments, and Starter GPOs
  • Microsoft’s Advanced Group Policy Management Tool (AGPM)
  • Powershell with Group Policy (ooohhhh yeahhh!)

And the crown jewels...

  • The Group Policy Preference Extensions: 21 new features you positively must have

But to make room for all that stuff, I moved some “Group Policy Friends of the Family” from Book 1 to Book 2. Book 2 is really called

Creating the Secure Managed Desktop: Group Policy, SoftGrid, and Microsoft Deployment and Management Tools. But now Book 2 is fortified with EVEN MORE AWESOMENESS. Re-read the title of Book 2 again. Let’s break it down:

The main title is:
“Creating the Secure Managed Desktop”

And you do that by first knowing Group Policy Fundamentals (that’s Book 1). You’ll take your Group Policy knowledge and put it to PRACTICAL use here in Book 2. Start out by using Microsoft new Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.

Then move on to create the managed desktop with Roaming Profiles, Offline Files, the Sync Manager and more.

Deploy software to your machines using Group Policy and Microsoft’s newest tool: SoftGrid. Yep, to my knowledge this is the only book that has any real, meaty SoftGrid coverage. We have three MEGA chapters on SoftGrid. You’ll learn how to deploy your first servers, learn all about the architecture, and learn how to sequence applications like a pro. Truly a one-of-a-kind resource. I had help from Shortstop Eric Johnson with two SoftGrid chapters. Way to hit one (well, two) out of the park!

Continue on and learn how to lock down machines. Use WSUS to protect and patch your machines (thanks to Greg Shields for that awesome chapter), use Network Access Protection (NAP) to keep unhealthy machines off the network, and learn to use Windows SteadyState to put the full smackdown on your most critical machines.

Wrap up the book with a little printer magic and finishing touches, and I’m totally confident you’re going to love this newest member of the Group Policy book family.

Here’s the best part: you can pre-order copies at Or, better yet (and this is going to blow your mind)

you can download just specific chapters you might want, today, as eChapters

That’s right. I’ve worked it out so you can buy just the chapters you need. Some people will want BOTH the eChapters and the actual books. Some may want one medium. It’s up to you. Your choice.

Just head over to and explore the books’ contents then select “Download eChapters now.” When you do, you’ll be able to select the chapters from each book. Go ahead and mix and match. Just put checkmarks next to the chapters you want to download and select “Buy Selected eChapters Now” as seen here.   We have a FAQ on the same page you should read before you buy. But by all accounts, people are very happy with their PDF purchasing experience.

If you want signed copies, select Pre-Order Your Signed Hard Copy Now. Then once we get the books in stock, we’ll send them to you right away.

We’re expecting the first one at the end of April, and the second one at the end of May.

So, not far off. Pre-order your hard copy now and you'll be the first kid on the block when the books come in. .

Let me know what you think of the chapters as you download them!

About Training

I hate the word "bootcamp," but I guess that's what it is. So, if you want your butt kicked in Group Policy (in a kind, gentle way), then join me for the full week of Group Policy awesomeness:

  • Two Day Essentials Group Policy Training and Workshop
  • Two Day "Group Policy 2.0" Training for Vista, Server 2008 and the Group Policy Preference Extensions and
  • One-Day Advanced Group Policy Training

"I finally figured out how we would block out USB ports, games and lockdown users. This alone made the entire class an extremely valuable and fun learning experience. I learned how to use Vista's event viewer to track a single event in group policy - so easy but powerful!

I learned how to set up various restrictions on a PC for different users. A tremendously valuable feature! I cannot wait to get back to the office and implement what I have learned.

I highly recommend the whole week to anyone who has anything to do with Group Policy. Nothing beats these classes, nothing." -- Mark Latham, PC Support Specialist, Mercy Regional Medical Center

Learn more about each course here:

You can take the full week, or join us for just the classes you need.

Announced Classes:

  • May 5 - 9: Kansas City, MO (Lenexa, KS, really)
    • Class is declared ON. If you sign up now, you'll be guaranteed a seat.
    • It's the full week: Group Policy Essentials Course, Group Policy 2.0 Catch-up and Advanced One Day Course
  • No other cities are announced yet. Maybe more coming soon, but I suggest if you want to get GP 2.0 with Group Policy Preferences training, then come to Kansas City!

For any public class, sign up online at:

What about OTHER CITIES in 2008?

We have a new "Suggest a city" form at .

Even if you've used this before, please re-suggest your cities, as we have a new back-end tracking system. Thanks !

Private courses

I have limited dates remaining in 2008 for private classes. But call me soon, and we might be able to work it out. If you think you might want your own private in-house training (with all the personalized attention that affords), don't keep it a secret.

Call me.

If you have even a handful of in-house people interested in the training (about 6–8), the course pays for itself (since you don't need to ship people offsite!). I'll even travel overseas to the U.K., other parts of Europe, Japan—or wherever! Have passport, will travel!

Join the thousands of administrators (and managers!) who have gotten smarter using the technology they already have.

For a public class, sign up online at:
For a private class, just contact me at [email protected] or call me at 302-351-8408.


Become a Partner/Affiliate

Amazon had a great idea. Put up some links on your web site for stuff you love, and when people buy stuff you recommend, you get some extra dough. We now have a similar program. It's super easy to sign up and get started. We provide you with your own tracking links and you get credit each time someone signs up for a class or signs up to be on our Newsletter/Tips.

It's that easy. Learn more about the program and start making some extra dough today by checking out

Don't forget our Sponsors

I can't tell you how often I hear that people LOVE the Solutions Guide we have at Inside, you'll find both free and third-party products which extend the reach of Group Policy, or let you do something you haven't discovered before!

So, head on over to the Solutions Guide and see what other goodies are available!

Be a "Booster"

Do you feel you get value out of and want to see us grow? Well, I'm a Group Policy guy, not a web guy, so I need to pay for my web services somehow and enhance the site and bring you more stuff (both features and content).

If you'd like to help out, please consider making a one-time donation, or become a monthly Booster for just $5 a month. If you and just 500 other people do it, I'll be able to pay for all the web bills each month and really take the site up a notch.

To help and donate, here's how:

Thank you for your support!

Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Usage Information

If you've received this message as a forward from a friend, or are reading it online in the archives, you can sign up for your own newsletter subscription .

Also, if you want to unsubscribe, you can do that, too (but we'll be sad to see you go).

For all Subscription information, we have a one-stop-shop page at the following address:

You can use this information as you see fit, but if you're going to copy any portion, please FORWARD THE ENTIRE email.

While Moskowitz, inc. tries to ensure that all information is technically accurate, we make no warranty with regard to the information within. Please use at your own risk.

If you need personalized attention regarding subscriptions and unsubscriptions, just email me: [email protected]

Please POST your technical question on the forum whenever possible.

If you have questions about ordering a book or signing up for a public class, contact my assistant Margot at: [email protected] . I endeavor to respond to everyone who emails.

Thanks for reading!

May 2008


  • Installing the GPPEs: Could they make it any harder?
  • Another newsletter coming soon !
  • Public GP Training Schedule Update
    • Cities that are scheduled for public courses
  • Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Usage Information

Welcome to Newsletter #27.

As some of you know, the GPPEs, or Group Policy Preference Extensions are finally released.

They're here: they're real, and they're spectacular.

Apologies to Seinfeld fans everywhere.

But, even though they’re here, it’s going to take a little negotiating to make sure we don’t install them, then, right away blow ourselves in the foot. This is a the first in a multi-part newsletter series.

First, we'll talk about installing the GPPEs. A little later, I'll have updates for automatically installing the GPPEs, then another newsletter on how to deal with the "overlaps" that are now created in the various categories.

Additionally inside this newsletter -- where I'm having public training courses and more.

PS: I know my graphics have the word "width" in them. Working on fixing that, but I wanted to get the newsletter out ASAP and fix it later.

Getting Down to Business: Installing the GPPEs

Microsoft likes to call them the Group Policy Preferences. But I like GPPEs, so I’m going to keep calling them that.

The Group Policy Preference Extensions (GPPEs) look “different” than the rest of the Group Policy universe. That’s because they are different. They were born at Desktop Standard and integrated into Microsoft technology.

In all, it's a cool, cool brave new (or rather updated ) world. You can see the new Preferences node underneath User Configuration | Preferences and Computer Configuration | Preferences as seen here. You might be asking yourself: why don't *I* see these in my GP editor? Because you're not using Windows Server 2008 as your editor or the download update (which isn't yet released) called RSAT which contains the updates.

This is going to be a two-part newsletter. In this first part, we'll tackle installing the GPPEs. In the next part, we'll tackle one of the most misunderstood aspects of the technology. That s, why they are called Preferences in the first place and how they work differently than it’s Policy cousins.

Now that the GPPEs are available. How do you install them?

Well, it's different depending on the operating system. We'll explore that now.

The CSEs for Windows Server 2008

Everything you need to take advantage of the Group Policy Preference Extensions is already installed here. Both the management station pieces (where you define what you want to control) and the CSE piece (the .DLLs that process the GPOs).

So, if you wanted to get started using Group Policy Preference Extensions, you can do so immediately with very little effort by using a Windows Server 2008 machine.

The CSEs for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Vista

Again, for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Vista you need to download pieces to make the magic happen. Let’s examine each operating system, where to get the downloads, and how to install the pieces by hand.

The Group Policy Preference Extensions can be downloaded from You can also track them down by heading over to and searching for the word "Preference."

Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 machines also need a prerequisite called XMLlite, and it can be found at .

Here's the trick. Neither the XMLlite prerequisite nor the GPPEs themselves are MSIs.

Nope, they're patches.

So, for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, they're .EXE patches, and for Windows Vista they're a newfangled format called .MSU for Microsoft Update patch.

And, if you'll recall, Group Policy Software Installation cannot install patches. You need a "big tool" like an SCCM 2007 or WSUS which expressly handles patch management. Or, you'll need a script to install it en-mass for your systems.

Ugh, what a nightmare!

You'll always be able to install each piece "by hand" (which we'll explore first), but you'll also want a mass-deployment recipe to start really rolling this out. I'll provide a script which helps you roll this out to your machines, so you're not running around from machine to machine doing all the dirty work. I don't have this ready yet, but along with my pal Jakob Heidelberg, I hope to have something for you in the next several days.

Installing the Prerequisites and CSEs for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP by hand

If you’re installing the CSEs on Windows Server 2003, you’ll likely do each one by hand. This makes sense, as “mass deploying” and mass rebooting live servers can be, well, not good for your users. However, if you wanted to mass-rollout the CSEs, check out the section “Installing the Prerequisites and CSEs for all operating systems automatically.”

Again, both Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 have the prerequisite of XMLlite, a Microsoft middleware component. You can see the available command line switches in Figure X, if you want to do something fancy, or you can just double-click on the downloaded .EXE and kick off the installation. Figure: The XMLLite component's command-line switches

In my testing, the XMLlite components didn't require a reboot (but your mileage may vary.) Knowing this fact will come in handy when we try to automate the whole thing using a script. Next, in my testing, I simply double-clicked the .EXE which contained the CSE.

Once again, it didn't even require a reboot and it appeared ready to go. You might want to reboot once one the safe side for good measure.

You can verify the Group Policy Preference Extensions installed on Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP in Add or Remove Programs and clicking on "Show updates" as seen here. When you do, you'll see the hotfixes, like GPPE installation. Figure: You can verify that the Group Policy Preference Extensions were installed on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 by selecting “Show updates.”

Installing the CSEs for Windows Vista by hand

The Windows Vista CSE ships as an MSU a Microsoft Update package as seen in Figure X. Just double-click on it and click OK to install, and you’re off to the races. Figure: Installing the Windows Vista MSU file is like installing an executable

Again, in my testing there was no need to reboot after completion, but it certainly couldn’t hurt. You can verify that the Group Policy Preference Extensions were properly installed by looking at Control Panel | Programs | Uninstall a program and then clicking “Turn Windows features on or off” as seen in Figure X.

Note the Group Policy Preference Extensions are on by default, and it’s not such a hot idea to turn them off. Note you can also see the MS KB update number as an installed update. Figure: You can verify that the Group Policy Preference Extensions were properly installed

Installing the Prerequisites and CSEs for all operating systems automatically

Again, at this point, we’re still working on a fully-automating script to install the prerequisites and the GPPE CSEs.

Hang tight.

That'll appear in a tip or newsletter or something else soon.

Thing we're going to tackle #2 (in a newsletter coming soon): How Does the Group Policy Engine Deal with Overlaps?

This is something that’s really, really confusing for a lot of people. And with good reason. There are lot of “similar and shared” areas in both Group Policy and the Group Policy Preference Extensions.

So to answer this question, there's the short answer, the middle-length answer and the long answer.

That'll be the next newsletter, which shouldn't be too far behind.

Hang tight, we'll explore this stuff at that point.  

About Training

I teach three courses on Group Policy now .. usually in the same week:

  • Two Day Essentials Group Policy Training and Workshop
  • Two Day "Group Policy 2.0" Training for Vista, Server 2008 and the Group Policy Preference Extensions and
  • One-Day Advanced Group Policy Training

Learn more about each course here:

You can take the full week, or join us for just the classes you need.

Announced Classes:

  • March 17 - 21: Portland, OR:
    • This Class is ON. We have a really great group coming.
    • It's the full week: Group Policy Essentials Course, Group Policy 2.0 Catch-up and Advanced One Day Course
  • May 5 - 9: Kansas City, MO (Lenexa, KS, really)
    • Class is ALMOST ON. If you sign up now, you'll be guaranteed a seat.
    • It's the full week: Group Policy Essentials Course, Group Policy 2.0 Catch-up and Advanced One Day Course
  • No other cities are announced yet. Maybe more coming soon, but I suggest if you want to get GP 2.0 training to come to one of these cities.

For any public class, sign up online at:

What about OTHER CITIES in 2008?

We have a new "Suggest a city" form at .

Even if you've used this before, please re-suggest your cities, as we have a new back-end tracking system. Thanks !

Private courses

If you think you might want your own private in-house training (with all the personalized attention that affords), I'd love to join you onsite!

If you have even a handful of in-house people interested in the training (about 6–8), the course pays for itself (since you don't need to ship people offsite!). I'll even travel overseas to the U.K., other parts of Europe, Japan—or wherever! Have passport, will travel!

Again, while the training course isn't officially endorsed by Microsoft, the class does have the distinction of being a suggested avenue for intense Group Policy training by members of the Group Policy, Microsoft Consulting Services, Security, and Product Support Services teams at Microsoft!

For a public class, sign up online at: .
For a private class, just contact me at [email protected] or call me at 302-351-8408.


Don't forget our Sponsors

I can't tell you how often I hear that people LOVE the Solutions Guide we have at Inside, you'll find both free and third-party products which extend the reach of Group Policy, or let you do something you haven't discovered before!

So, head on over to the Solutions Guide and see what other goodies are available!

Be a "Booster."

Do you feel you get value out of and want to see us grow? Well, I'm a Group Policy guy, not a web guy, so I need to pay for my web services somehow and enhance the site and bring you more stuff.. (both features and content.)

If you'd like to help out, please consider making a one-time donation, or become a monthly Booster for just $5 a month. If you and just 500 other people do it, I'll be able to pay for all the web bills each month and really take the site up a notch.

To help and donate, here's how:

Thank you for your support!

Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Usage Information

If you've received this message as a forward from a friend, or are reading it online in the archives, you can sign up for your own newsletter subscription .

Also, if you want to unsubscribe, you can do that, too (but we'll be sad to see you go).

For all Subscription information, we have a one-stop-shop page at the following address:

You can use this information as you see fit, but if you're going to copy any portion, please FORWARD THE ENTIRE email.

While Moskowitz, inc. tries to ensure that all information is technically accurate, we make no warranty with regard to the information within. Please use at your own risk.

If you need personalized attention regarding subscriptions and unsubscriptions, just email me: [email protected]

Please POST your technical question on the forum whenever possible.

If you have questions about ordering a book or signing up for a public class, contact my assistant Margot at: [email protected] . I endeavor to respond to everyone who emails.

Thanks for reading!

May 2008

Issue #26

Issue #26

  • The fate of DesktopStandard's PolicyMaker tools
  • Inside Specops GPupdate–a free way to "push" updates to GP clients
  • Public GP Training Schedule Update
    • Cities that are scheduled for public courses
  • Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Usage Information

It was so great to see each of you at WinConnections last month. Holy moly, that was awesome! You really rocked my world with your support of my sessions and the book signing. You guys make it worth getting out of bed in the morning.

Here's some great new stuff for you to take with you this week and into Thanksgiving. Something to be thankful for–free tools!

In this issue we'll talk about two new free things for you to add to your GP arsenal.

Thanks for coming out to see my talks and say hello. Looking forward to having you an upcoming Group Policy training class this year. If ever there was a year to get smarter in GP, this is it!

Group Policy News

The Fate of the DesktopStandard PolicyMaker Tools

The big news is finally here: Have you been wondering what Microsoft is doing with the "crown jewels" of the DesktopStandard acquisition? We'll explore that first before we move on to other stuff. And we'll do that in Good, Bad, and Ugly fashion.

The Good: Policymaker Technology is going to be free

The PolicyMaker technologies will officially be called Group Policy Preferences. I'll call them GPP for short. GPP can do 20-some-odd big things with Group Policy that you couldn't do before. Here's a list of some things that are now possible, which weren't possible before (without scripts, or a whole lot of work).

  • Map network drives
  • Set environment variable
  • Copy files to client
  • Create and update INI file
  • Modify Registry settings on the clients (REG_SZ, REG_DWORD, REG_BINARY,REG_MULTI_SZ, and REG_EXPAND_SZ)
  • Create shortcuts (URL/File/Shell)
  • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
  • Control devices
  • Set folder options
  • Define file associations
  • Tweak internet settings
  • Handle local users and groups (change passwords, add/remove from groups, disable users, etc.)
  • Set network options (like VPN or dial-up connections)
  • Configure power options (Windows XP)
  • Map printers (even TCP/IP printers)
  • Set regional options
  • Create scheduled tasks
  • Set properties on services
  • Tweak the Start Menu
  • Dictate shares and share permissions on servers (mostly)

Thanks to Jakob Heidelberg for compiling this list for me. So, more is good right? Well, no. More can sometimes be bad. Which leads us to...

The Bad: There's overlap and you have to install something

Okay, this stuff isn't really bad but it could be at least confusing .

It appears that you'll be able to do some items in two places in GP land. For instance, it appears like you'll be able to set power management options in two places. Only one way was available before integrating GPP into the mix. Now, another way is available afterintegrating GPP into the mix.

Same thing with printers. You could already zap printers down (to Vista clients) before integrating GPP into the mix. Now, there's anotherway to zap down printers.

This can get confusing to inexperienced administrators.

Additionally, all these new settings require a CSE (Client Side Extension), as do all GP extensions. So, this isn't bad, it just means you have a liiiiittle bit of work to do on your client machines in order for the new magic to be available. Here's the breakdown of where the new technology will run and what it needs to run:

  • The CSE will ship in the box for Windows Server 2008.
  • The CSE will be an extra download for XP, 2003 and Vista.
  • The CSE will not work for 2000.

If you know how to use GP Software Installation, you can deploy the GPP client lickety-split to your machines.(What? You don't know how to use Group Policy Software Installation? Check out and flip to Chapter 11 – stat!)

The Ugly: Why is it Preferences and not Policies? (And why hasn't it debuted yet?)

So, why are they called the Group Policy Preferences and not something more..."Policy-ish?"

Well, that's an interesting point. Let's take a moment to review the difference between a policy and a preference.

A policy is generally how we expect GP to work. That is, when you use Group Policy to, say, prevent access to the Control Panel, GP will generally send the signal down to the system, and the program (Explorer, in this case) will pick up the message and lock our access to Control Panel.


And, if you delete the GPO, what's the expected behavior? The expected behavior is that the settings will revert back and allow access to the Control Panel.

Pretty much every setting contained within Administrative Templates works in this way. This is probably one of the top three reasons you've come to love Group Policy. This area is controlled by the Registry or Admin Templates Client Side Extension (CSE). That CSE is smart enough to know what to set the value to, and even better, smart enough to know what to set the value back to when the policy no longer applies.

But other areas of Group Policy don't work in this way; for instance, Security settings. Take something simple like an Internet Explorer setting which changes the Proxy server, like you see here in Figure 1.  
Figure 1: The IE Maintenance CSE has a history of not "acting like you would think."

Sure, Group Policy will deliver your changes, but the real challenge is what happens when that setting no longer applies. If the CSE is smart it knows how to put back the original value. But, if the CSE isn't smart, it doesn't have a value to put back. And, in short, what you plunk down with Group Policy could end up tattooing the Registry.

That's precisely the problem with the Internet Explorer 6 settings. The CSE isn't too smart. It doesn't know precisely what to do when the value is taken away, so it just freaks out and leaves it in place, even though the expected behavior (as far as the Administrator is concerned) is to change the policy setting back to the default. But it doesn't do that.

Unfortunately, that's precisely one of the challenges with the PolicyMaker, er, GPP Extensions. They're called Preferences because they do tend to tattoo the computer with the wish you lay down using GP.

I know this stuff isn't even out yet, but here's a Group Policy Preference tip, for future reference. This tip will get you out of some jams, but could get you into other jams, so be careful.

Whenever you create a new wish you can optionally check "Remove this setting when it is no longer applied," as shown in Figure 2.  
Figure 2: The GPP Common tab

(Note this screenshot is using PolicyMaker and not actually the Group Policy Preference extensions.) 

Buuut, you need to be exceptionally careful. In some cases, this will work the way you think, but in some cases it won't.

Good Example: Let's say you wanted to use the new GPP Extensions to map a drive letter S: to all of the Sales guys. And when Fred moves from Sales to Marketing you want to delete the mapping. This setting works great for that, and will work as you expect it to.

But, here's an example where you need to use this with extreme caution.

Use with Caution Example : Let's say you wanted to use the new GPP Extensions to push the Registry value 100 to your Sales application. The GPP Registry Extension will do the job. But if you chose to "Remove this policy when it is no longer applies"–WATCH OUT! The entire Registry key will be deleted. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

My team working on PolicyPak Software is very aware of this interesting GPP nuance. And our PolicyPak CSE is a great alternative which issmart and does know how to precisely put down a value and take it away when it no longer applies. In short, PolicyPak ( ) is true-blue, full Group Policy, and will never tattoo your computer's Registry.

The other Ugly thing is, well, where is it? Now that Microsoft has announced that it will be part of Windows Server 2008 (in the box) and then an available update for XP and 2003, when can we get our hands on it? I'm sure the answer is "soon," but that's not really my question. My question is, if it's going to ship in the box for Windows Server 2008, how stable is it going to be? Hopefully, very. But I'm concerned that it's RC1 (that's Release Candidate 1) and we're JUST NOW able to give our feedback and bug reports. That means this puppy could ship with unfixed bugs, but that's the facts of life in software sometimes.

In short though.. I'm psyched. It's a Whole New World for GP goodness we're getting our hands on, and it's free. And I love free stuff. So, congrats to the GP team for a real win here. Let's hope those bugs are few and far between.

That's all the time we have for the GPP Extensions. More when they officially make their debut. However, Microsoft has a whitepaper that details the major new categories of features and describes some other odds and ends including the distinction between a policy and a preference.

That paper is found here and every GP admin should read it.

This Month's Newsletter Sponsored by: NetIQ

Are you using Group Policy optimally? Ever wonder if you can do more with it? Learn the best practices you need in order to leverage Group Policy on your servers in this new whitepaper, "Why Group Policy Matters for Servers," authored by Group Policy guru Jeremy Moskowitz an NetIQ. Download it now

This Issue's Big Tech Tip...Technology Takeaway ®, a Service of Moskowitz, inc.

All about the Free Specops Gpupdate Tool

A quick note from Jeremy Moskowitz: This tech tip was written by friend, and guest contributor, Claus Jensen of Periodically, at, we explore the free tools in the Group Policy world so you can be a more effective administrator. You can inspect both free and for-a-fee tools in our Solutions Guide at .

Let's say that you have just deployed some strict, new security settings to all the computers in the Danish branch office via Group Policy. But you want them to be effective immediately.

Of course, you could wait for the ordinary background processing of Group Policy, which happens every 5 minutes for domain controllers and takes between 90 and 120 minutes for workstations, member servers, and users. Alternatively, you could call all your users and ask them to run Gpupdate, which might be a bit much to ask. And waiting up to two hours doesn’t sound too appealing either.

What if you had machines that required a reboot to get some Group Policy settings updated; for instance, a server that needed an updated disk quota assignment? Are you going to run around to each machine and reboot it?

You're impatient (let's call it security conscious). So why wait? Specops is a Swedish company specializing in tools for Active Directory. They have a free tool available that allows you to run Gpupdate, and to shutdown, restart, and start the computers in your Active Directory domain. The tool is called Specops Gpupdate. This newsletter will describe installation and use of this magnificent tool that will ease the burden of administering and forcefully applying Group Policy's power in the enterprise.

Before You Get StarteD

You'll start out by downloading Specops Gpupdate here ( ). Then, you’ll install it on your Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2003 machine, which should also already be running Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC). (Note that if you’re running Windows Vista, you may encounter some problems if you install the tool in a different directory than the default one.) You’ll also need to make sure .NET Framework 2.0 is installed.

Installation of Specops Gpupdate

Installing Specops Gpudate is easy! You’ll first need to run the Specops Gpupdate installer (SpecopsGpupdate.msi) inside the download.

Then, from the %CommonProgramFiles%SpecopssoftSpecops ADUC Extension directory, run SpecopsAducMenuExtensionInstaller.exe with the /add parameter as seen in Figure 1 (top). This will add the Display Specifiers for Specops Gpupdate into Active Directory (note that this is different than a schema update). Once the display identifiers are in Active Directory, only Administrators with the Specops GPupdate tool installed will be able to see them. Other users using ADUC will not be able to see the new menu items, which you can see in Figure 3 (bottom).  
Figure 3: The Domain DisplayIdentifiers aren't like Schema Updates. They can be removed.

The information about the Display Specifiers is saved in the Configuration container in Active Directory. So, adding the display identifiers is something that only needs to happen once per Active Directory forest. Because of this, you will need to be a Domain Admin or Enterprise Admin in order to make this happen. The good news is that it’s also easy to later remove them (unlike a schema change). If you ever tire of using Specops GPupdate and you want to erase the changes it made to the Active Directory Display Specifiers, you just run SpecopsAducMenuExtensionInstaller.exe with the /remove parameter.

Using Specops Gpupdate

When Specops Gpupdate is installed and the Display Specifiers are added, you’re ready to start using it! The commands it brings to the table are:

  • GPupdate
  • Restart Computers
  • Shut Down Computers, and
  • Start Computers

You can see these new Specops Gpupdate commands by selecting the Action menu, or right-clicking over certain common entities in ADUC. Specifically, you can right-click over the following types of objects in ADUC to start using your new superpowers:

  • Domain-Level–By selecting one or more domains, you execute the command on all computer accounts in the selected domain or domains.
  • Specific OU–By selecting one or more OUs, you will execute the command on all computer accounts in the OU and all nested OUs.
  • Specific Computer account or accounts–You can select one or more computer accounts and execute the command on these accounts.
  • Security groups–The command will be executed on all computer accounts in the selected and nested groups. Be aware that group nesting depends on you having a domain functional level of at least Windows 2000 native.

In Figure , you can see that we’ve right-clicked over an OU to expose the new commands Specops GPupdate provides: GPupdate, Restart Computers, Shut Down Computers, and Start Computers.
Figure 4: Action menu in ADUC

Let's examine the four different commands you can select:

  1. Gpupdate–This is why Specops Gpupdate is so cool. You can do a remote Gpupdate for both the computer and the currently logged-in user. There is an optional parameter equivalent to /force on the command-line version of Specops Gpupdate.
  2. Restart Computers–This is useful if you have changed Group Policy settings that can only be applied after a reboot.
  3. Shut Down Computers–Similar to the Restart Computers command, but the computers will not turn back on after they have been shut down.
  4. Start Computers–This selection allows you to send a Start command to the computers using Wake-On-LAN. This means that, remotely, you can have a computer start up (and in doing so, of course, reapply Group Policy) and then have the computer ready for the user.

One of the best parts about Specops GPupdate is that it provides real-time reporting of its actions with a nifty bar graph that literally moves as it makes contact with each machine. As you can see in Figure 5, five computers have been asked to run the Gpupdate command. Four of the computers have successfully updated the Group Policy settings, but one of the computers could not be reached, either due to not being online, or due to a firewall blocking the WMI commands. Don't worry, Windows Vista works just as well with Specops Gpupdate as Windows XP. The error here is simply that the machine was not turned on.  

Configuration of Permissions on the Target Computers

The commands contained within Specops GPupdate aren’t special, though it is really nice that they’re wrapped up in one place with a cool bar graph thingie. What I mean is that the different commands require you to have the relevant permissions on the target computers in order to work. Let’s take a look at the commands again, but this time, let’s see what security access rights we need in order to execute them on the target machine:

  1. Gpupdate–For this command, you need permissions to run WMI and to start processes on the remote computers. Beware of any firewalls that block WMI. This one is tricky, so I’ll explain how to adjust for this potential problem in just a bit.
  2. Restart Computers and Shut Down Computers–These require you to have the permission to shut down the computer remotely. Again, beware of firewalls that block RPC (more on this later).
  3. Start Computers–Of course Wake-On LAN needs to be implemented at the hardware level on the remote computers, but you will also need permission to read the computer’s IP address in the DHCP database. If you’re a member of the group DHCP Users you’ll have the required permissions. Also, note that the Start Computers command is only guaranteed to be compatible with Microsoft DHCP servers.

What if you have the firewall turned on at your target computer? This can be resolved by configuring the Allow Remote Administration Exception policy setting. You will find it at Administrative Templates | Network | Network Connections | Windows Firewall | Domain Profile in the Computer part of the Group Policy Object Editor. Here you can specify which computers are allowed to perform remote administration. The Explaintext for this policy setting is a must-read. Please be aware that this policy setting only works with Windows XP/SP2 or later. Don't forget: If you’re not using Microsoft’s built-in XP (or Vista) firewall, you’ll need to do the same thing that this policy setting is meant to do, that is, you’ll need to open ports 135 and 445.

There were a lot of changes to DCOM functionality in Windows Server 2003/SP1, one of which was that, by default, only Administrators can start WMI remotely. We need to change this so we can run Specops Gpupdate against our target computers. You need to make the account that you use to run Specops Gpupdate a member of the built-in Distributed COM Users group. To make sure that this group has the correct permissions, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the program dcomcnfg.exe on a sample target computer.
  2. Expand Component Services and then expand Computers.
  3. Select My Computer and click the computer or properties icon in the toolbar.

Figure 6: GPO with the needed settings for using Specops Gpupdate

Common Problems with Specops Gpupdate and How to Avoid Them

Even if you configure the remote computers correctly, you may run into some problems when using Specops Gpupdate. Here are some things to keep in mind to avoid potential problems

  1. If you’re using the Start Computers command, you need to ensure that the computer's Wake-On LAN is enabled in the hardware/BIOS. Similarly, Wake-On-LAN might fail if your computer’s BIOS is old and crusty. So make sure that you are running the latest version of BIOS and the latest drivers for the NIC.
  2. If the computer running Specops Gpupdate is on a different subnet or VLAN than the computer you are trying to start, you may need to enable directed broadcasts on any routers and switches between the two computers.
  3. Because Specops Gpupdate is using DHCP to find the IP and MAC addresses for the target computers, you need to be using Microsoft DHCP to store the IP addresses for the computers that you want to start. The servers also need to have undergone the DHCP authorized procedure which prevents rogue DHCP servers from spitting out IP addresses to anyone who asks.

If, despite your best efforts, you cannot resolve the problem, you can enable Specops Gpupdate debugging, which will generate a log file that will help you further troubleshoot the problem. You enable debugging by going to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | SpecopsSoft | Specops Gpupdate and setting the debug Registry key to 1. When you have run the Specops Gpupdate commands you can see the result of your actions in the logs contained within: C:Documents and Settingslogged on userLocal SettingsApplication DataSpecopsSoftSpecopsGpupdate.log.

Here’s an example log where I ran Specops Gpupdate against a computer named xp1.knowhow.local, but the computer isn’t taking my commands. Hopefully, by reading the log, I can determine what Specops GPupdate thinks is going on, fix the problem, and move on to some other issue.
SpecopsGpupdate: Starting Tracing for Specops Gpupdate, the time is '5/26/2007 11:07:26 AM', assembly name is 'SpecopsGpupdate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
SpecopsGpupdate: ---> Program.Main
SpecopsGpupdate: Command to execute is 'gpupdate'.
SpecopsGpupdate: The selection is of a type that do not need expansion, only remove the command.
SpecopsGpupdate: Number of computers selected is '1'
SpecopsGpupdate: Group Policy refresh selected.
SpecopsGpupdate: ---> Program.GetNumberOfThreads
SpecopsGpupdate: <--- Program.GetNumberOfThreads
SpecopsGpupdate: ---> SpecopsGpupdate.UpdateGroupPolicies
SpecopsGpupdate: Main form initialized.
SpecopsGpupdate: Main form shown.
SpecopsGpupdate: The WOL starter is running.
SpecopsGpupdate: <--- SpecopsGpupdate.UpdateGroupPolicies
SpecopsGpupdate: <--- Program.Main
SpecopsGpupdate: Processing computer 'LDAP://DC1.knowhow.local/CN=XP1,OU=Denmark,OU=Clients, DC=knowhow,DC=local'.
SpecopsGpupdate: Operating System version is '5.1 (2600)'
SpecopsGpupdate: Hostname 'XP1.knowhow.local', force update 'False', Windows 2000 'False'.
SpecopsGpupdate: This is a non-Windows 2000 box that is updated.
SpecopsGpupdate: The command is 'gpupdate /wait:0'.
SpecopsGpupdate: An exception occurred when calling the WMI method, exception is 'The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)'.

As you can see from the log, Specops Gpupdate is able to easily determine the location of the computer object, the version of the operating system, and the hostname. Then at the end, we see “The RPC server is unavailable.” This usually means the computer is off, or the firewall on the machine is preventing us from dictating an update. Now we have things narrowed down, and a quick check of the computer and its firewall should give us the answer pretty quickly.

If you run into a problem that isn’t described here, or have questions about Specops Gpupdate, you can visit the Specops forum specifically geared for Specops GPupdate located here: . Specops personnel monitor the forum and are quick to answer any questions relating to Specops products.

The Future of Specops Gpupdate

The latest version of Specops Gpupdate is version, which was released in October 2006, and there haven’t been any additional updates to this free product. But in the Specops Gpupdate forum, several new features have been discussed by current users and the Specops staff. Stay tuned, and maybe we’ll get some new features soon, like the ability to schedule commands or a command-line interface.

Final comments

I hope that this has given you some insight into the free Specops Gpupdate software tool. Considering the added functionality that you get from this tool, it should be in every Domain– and Group Policy–Administrator’s tool belt. Since it works with OUs, groups, and single-computer accounts, you have total control over your PCs and servers–no more waiting for the background processing of Group Policy to occur. The possibilities are endless!

About Claus Jensen

Contact info: [email protected]


Claus is currently the only trainer outside the USA who is certified to teach Jeremy’s training. Claus works for a Danish consulting firm who works with several large businesses in Denmark. Claus has been an MCT for 5 years and a great friend to the community.

About Training

Choosing the Right Course for You

Of course you want GP training. And we know you'd prefer to use as your go-to source for GP training. We try to make it as easy for you as possible.

We have GP courses that fit what you need.

  • Are you dealing with mostly XP machines? We have an XP-focused course.
  • Are you warming up to Vista? We have a Vista-focused course.
  • Do you want to learn in an intensive format? Learn it in TWO DAYS.
  • Less intensive? Learn it in THREE days.
  • Want even more Advanced material? We've got that too.
  • Already know XP GPOs pretty well? How about our XP-to-Vista Catch-Up course?

You can find out more about the different public and private courses available from the workshops section of .

We also have a Group Policy "Rightsize" Tool which guides you step by step in choosing the best course to take based on your situation. Read the course details for the dates you have in mind to make sure you get the skills that match your needs. We have both private (on site) and public classes. Use the Rightsize tool to get a complete understanding of your options.

Public courses–Beginning of 2008 scheduled

I have limited classes for the beginning of 2008:

  • Jan 15, 16, 17, 18: Portland, OR: Group Policy Essentials Course, Advanced One Day Course and XP-to-Vista Catch-Up Course. We really need you to sign up now if we want to make this class happen.
  • Jan 29, 30, Feb 1, 2: Orlando, FL: (Yes, I spun up this course so that you, yes you, can get approval to go to Orlando in the dead of winter time.) Group Policy Essentials course, Advanced One Day Course and XP-to-Vista Catch-Up course
  • Feb 4, 5, 6, 7: Washington, DC: Group Policy Essentials course, Advanced One Day Course and XP-to-Vista Catch-Up course
  • March 4, 5, 6, 7: Nashville, TN: Group Essentials course, Advanced One Day Course and XP-to-Vista Catch-Up Course.

For any public class, sign up online at:

What about OTHER CITIES in 2008?

You used the "Suggest a city" form at and told me where you would like me to go for 2007.

Now tell me where you want me to go for 2008. The cities with the most votes get classes in their city. Bigger cities are a better bet, so you might want to vote for your closest "major airport" city.

Here's a deal you can't pass up!

Okay, let's assume I'll be in your city teaching a public class. How would you like to get a FREE student in the class? Easy: Be the "host" of the class. Allow me and our students to use your conference room for the two, three, or four days, and you get a free student attendee!

Such a deal!

Lots of companies have been the hosts for public classes, and they've gotten free training for one of their folks! So, if you're interested in free training for one of your teammates (maybe even you!) contact me if you're in one of the above cities, and we'll see about working out the details to have you host the class.

Private courses

If you think you might want your own private in-house training (with all the personalized attention that affords), I'd love to join you onsite!

If you have even a handful of in-house people interested in the training (about 6–8), the course pays for itself (since you don't need to ship people offsite!). I'll even travel overseas to the U.K., other parts of Europe, Japan–or wherever! Have passport, will travel!

Again, while the training course isn't officially endorsed by Microsoft, the class does have the distinction of being a suggested avenue for intense Group Policy training by members of the Group Policy, Microsoft Consulting Services, Security, and Product Support Services teams at Microsoft!

For a public class, sign up online at: .
For a private class, just contact me at [email protected] or call me at 302-351-8408.

Get signed copies of...

Group Policy: Management, Troubleshooting, and Security

For Windows Vista, Windows 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000


Windows & Linux Integration: Hands-on Solutions for a Mixed Environment 

If you’re in the continental USA, you can order the Fourth Edition of Group Policy: Management, Troubleshooting, and Security directly from me for $45 (including shipping).

  • If you order the book from me, I’ll sign the book for you, free! I’ve had many requests for this service, and I’m honored that you'd ask!
  • If you order it from me, the shipping is included! Usually, I try to ship out the orders the SAME DAY. But if you positively need a guaranteed shipping date, then Amazon might be a better choice.
  • The slight extra cost goes toward the shipping from Sybex to me, then me to you (not for the signature). Again, note that shipping is included.
  • We take all kinds of credit cards. No PO orders for books, please, unless it's an order for 10 or more.

This book is in stock! We can ship it out today!

Note, that I can only take orders from and ship to those in the continental United States. Thanks for your understanding.

Order your signed copy today by clicking here .

Also available is Windows & Linux Integration: Hands-on Solutions for a Mixed Environment from .

Oh, and if you own either book, and want to say nice things on Amazon, please do so! That would be great. Thanks! You can do so here: (GPO book) (WinLin book)

Free Stuff

  • I just did a radio interview at RunAs radio. Check it out here.
  • I'll be doing a GP Webinar for Centrify on Windows/Linux/Mac + GP Integration sometime in January or February. Stay tuned for that !

Don't forget our Sponsors

I can't tell you how often I hear that people LOVE the Solutions Guide we have at Inside, you'll find both free and third-party products which extend the reach of Group Policy, or let you do something you haven't discovered before!

So, head on over to the Solutions Guide and see what other goodies are available!

Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Usage Information

If you've received this message as a forward from a friend, or are reading it online in the archives, you can sign up for your own newsletter subscription .

Also, if you want to unsubscribe, you can do that, too (but we'll be sad to see you go).

For all Subscription and Unsubscription information, we have a one-stop-shop page at the following address:

You can use this information as you see fit, but if you're going to copy any portion, please FORWARD THE ENTIRE email.

While Moskowitz, inc. tries to ensure that all information is technically accurate, we make no warranty with regard to the information within. Please use at your own risk.

If you need personalized attention regarding subscriptions and unsubscriptions, just email me: [email protected]

Please POST your technical question on the forum whenever possible.

If you have questions about ordering a book, contact my assistant Margot at: [email protected] . I endeavor to respond to everyone who emails.

Thanks for reading!

Apr 2008

Congrats on new GP book for Derek

Derek Melber has a new GP book by Microsoft Press. I'm holding my copy in my hand, and it's a great book for anyone looking to get more rounded on Group Policy. It's a short read, about 500 pages, and has some good information on 3rd party tools and solutions. (Which I'm a big fan of.) Derek's book also cracks open ADMX files (if you're into that kind of thing) as well as details sample output of many of the Group Policy GPMC scripts (available online at So check it out. It's part of the larger Microsoft Server 2008 Resource kit. You can learn more about his book here. Congrats Derek !