7 Things I think you'll like this week
Team: This is a variety pack of interesting stuff. Here goes..
Item 1: My Group Policy Master Class in Florida is ON. That is, we have enough people signed up to run the class, and I’ll be there with bells on. (See the end of this email for signup details.)
Item 2: Are you following me on Twitter? Why the heck not? I have two accounts (one for each of my two lives): jeremymoskowitz and policypak. Don’t miss out on the direct line to my brain.
Item 3: Article on how the most common fingerprint reader software can be “worked around” by the bad guys.
I like what the security team found, but it misses the fact that if the machine was using Bitlocker (see my previous musings on Bitlocker) then this attack would not be possible. To perform this attack, the user would need to boot OUTSIDE of Windows (say, using Windows PE or Linux Boot disc) then get the information that way.
Item 4: New eBook by my pal Darwin Sanoy.
I’d say something like 40 – 70% of organizations are jumping from 32-bit XP to 64-bit Windows 7. In my estimation there’s very little reason not to.
But, there are some pitfalls associated with 64-bit Windows and the applications which run on them.
So, Darwin came out with this eBook called: Under the Microscope: Deploying and Supporting Applications on 64-bit Windows
When I reviewed the book, I told him to price it at $29.99, then another $20 for the lab manuals. But he must have messed up and priced the whole kit and caboodle instead, at $9.99.
Darwin: If you’re reading this man, personally, I don’t get it. $9.99 is waaaayy too little to charge for all the awesome stuff in this book.
The eBook is 95 pages, and jam packed of stuff, I, personally didn’t even know existed. So, I love that. Thanks Darwin.
That link again is http://csi-windows.com/blog/all/30-csi-news-training-updates-additions/382-ebook-deploying-and-supporting-applications-on-64-bit-windows . Get a copy.
Item 5: Windows Server 2012 is out.
You can download the evaluation ISO or VHD here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/evalcenter/hh670538.aspx
Item 6: A neat free ebook on Windows Server 2012 is out.
Introducing Windows Server 2012 (RTM Edition).
Item 7: I like this article from Greg Shields:
“We’re not allowed to access GPPs [Group Policy Preferences] because they’re handled by the Active Directory team.” it what Greg Shields hears all the time.
If this is your problem: Read this article, print it out, hand it to the boss, then ask him nicely if you can get the Group Policy training you need.
Where you ask? (See next note!)
Final thoughts..
Okay Team… my next class is in Tampa, Florida. December 3 – 7.
Sign up here:
Again, the class in on, dittily on, neighborino. So, get on a plane or hop in a car, and get your butt trained in Group Policy awesomeness already.
Yes, you’ll learn all you need to know for XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Yes the class is fully guaranteed. Yes, it’s me teaching the course. Yes, the costs are right on the webpage. Yes, we can give you a discount if 3+ people from your company show up. No, you cannot have any drinks from my mini-bar in my hotel room.
Instead of thinking of all the reasons you CANNOT come to the class… turn it around.
Think of all the amazing skills and knowledge you’ll have when you return.
You’ve always wanted to take my class. If you have to move a mountain or two to get here, will it be worth it?
See you in class.
-Jeremy Moskowitz
PolicyPak Software