MDM & GP Tips Blog

Apr 2008

Least User Privs

One of the hardest jobs is figuring out which users need Admin rights, because our stinkin' applications require admin rights. Well, that's the business of BeyondTrust. And today, they came out with a (free) tool to help you determine which applications require what admin rights to run. Sure, the idea is that you'll have an "A-ha" moment and realize that their (pay) tool (which is quite good) is the best way to keep the user's rights LOW, but elevate the rights of the application. To check out the free auditor tool they came out with today, head on over here.

Apr 2008

The GPPEs are out!

New newsletter to user in their announcment coming soon. But, if you want to start playing with them's where to find them (thanks to my pal Jakob Heidelberg for making it easy for me to get.) The "real" links are, gah, all over the place.

GPP CSEs for Windows Vista (KB943729)
GPP CSEs for Windows Vista x64 Edition (KB943729)
GPP CSEs for Windows Server 2003 (KB943729)
GPP CSEs for Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition (KB943729)
GPP CSEs for Windows XP (KB943729)
GPP CSEs for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB943729)

If you want a quick tutorial in them, I suggest getting Chapter 10 of my new book (which is available for immediate download.) Click the "About the book" section and follow along until you get Chapter 10. Thanks!

Apr 2008

New Tool for Softgrid + GPSI marriage

So, I can confess it. I love Microsoft Softgrid. I really do. For the uninitiated, Softgrid (newly renamed Microsoft Application Virtualization) can take an application and "stream" it from a server to your desktop. Keen-o-rific. This means you're not actually INSTALLING anything; but rather, just running it streamed. Except there was no way to "deploy" that application using GP. Until now. Enter in the Softgrid MSI "wrapper" utility (found here.)

The idea is simple: if you can wrap an existing Softgrid package into an MSI, then you can use GP (or SMS, or Landesk or anything) to maintain your deployment practices.

I haven't had a chance to try this out yet.. So, if you do, and you're a Softgrid + GP head, then shoot me an email and let me know how it went! Thanks !

PS: Thanks to Shortstop Eric Johnson for bringing to my attention that this tool was FINALLY available.

Apr 2008

Vista slower than XP?

So my good friend Mark Minasi and I have this running debate about Vista. It's not about if Vista is BETTER than XP or not. It's about if Vista is SLOWER than XP. Mark is awesome, but he must have some killer hardware. I upgraded my laptop to a Dell D620 (you see me present on this puppy in my classes and at conferences.) It has 4GB RAM, 160GB 7200 RPM hard disk and all the bells and whistles. And Vista on it just runs like crud. So I went back to XP. But on my DESKTOPS, I find that I'm happier with Vista. Things are a lot punchier. I'm wondering if it's the disk (2.5 for laptop vs 3.5 for desktop) that makes the difference. Or a speedier Front Side Bus. Or something. But anyway.. this report just came out about how ON THE SAME HARDWARE that XP is FASTER than Vista. And I could have told you that already. I'm not bashing Microsoft. I'm just reporting my experience.. And I wish my experience was faster, not slower on the same hardware, is all.